
Heute haben wir ganz fantastische Neuigkeiten: Zum ersten Mal seit gut zehn Jahren war die alljährliche Bewerbung der Fachgruppe Englisch um einen Fremdsprachenassistenten erfolgreich! Wir freuen uns ungemein, zum kommenden Schuljahr Julian Coronado aus Texas am Humboldt-Gymnasium begrüßen zu dürfen und bedanken uns bei Frau Kiesling von der Landesschulbehörde, die dies möglich gemacht hat! 

Julian stellt sich im Folgenden in einem kurzen Brief an die Schulgemeinschaft vor:


Howdy Humboldt-Gymnasium!

I'm so excited that I get to to assist in your wonderful town, I've already heard so many great things about your school and cannot wait to meet everyone! My name is Julian Coronado, and as you might have already guessed, I'm from the beautiful Lone Star state of Texas. I come from Houston, so it's not exactly countryside, but my family does own some property in the hill country and there, yes, I have ridden many horses in my lifetime. I studied at Austin College in Sherman, Texas for 4 years where I majored in English and German, befriending a number of exchange students who came from Germany, and I'm excited that I get the opportunity to be on the other end of the saddle and visit y'all! My hope is that I can enrich the English learning at the school and develop some meaningful relationships with as many of you as possible, I take it as an honor to be able to assist in such a lovely area.

See you all in September!

All the best,

Julian V. Coronado